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About Us:  Milestone events at our home

There are three special events which come to mind as the milestone occurrences at our home, in addition to our actually moving into the neighborhood, of course. 

They are:

         Lissette and Eric and their families       Click here to see photos of the wedding

No. 1 — The beautiful wedding ceremony of our friends, Lissette and Eric, in our garden on May 28th 2000.   It was witnessed by some 120 guests under a perfect Springtime sky.  These special moments charmed the hearts of everyone in attendance!



Birthday Cake       Click here to see photos of the party

No. 2 — Rick's 50th birthday party, which James hosted for him in May 2002.  It was not exactly a surprise party, as Rick knew about it and helped choose guests and seating.  He did not know James's plan, the wonderful menu, or the special surprise entertainment!



Back yard after some work       Click here to see photos of the project

No. 3 — Our extensive landscaping project, which chiefly was accomplished between 1997 and 1998.  It involved a detailed design plan, a reshaping of the front and back lawn space, and a careful planting of trees, sod, and both perennial and annual plants.  The trans-formation was dramatic and a big success!



smoking chimpanzee   

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